Monday, December 14, 2009

Kiyomizu-dera temple

Kiyomizu-dera temple is a very famous place in Kyoto for sightseeing. I love to visit to Kiyomizu-dera temple because you can see beautiful scenery from this temple. The stage of Kiyomizu-dera temple is very complicated. Each wooden framework is awesome.

Another name of Kamigamo shrine

Kamigamo shrine is also known as Kamo-wake-Ikazuchi jinja in the Kita ward of Kyoto is the oldest Shinto shrine in the ancient city.

Explanation for Kamigamo shrine

Kamigamo shrine is the one of World Cultural Heritage sites.
This shrine is also the one of Histric Monuments of Ancient Kyoto.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Stairs in Kamigamo shrine

I like this old wooden gate because the old wooden gate above the stony stairs brings to me calm and composed.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A stone bridge

This stone bridge reminds me a Japanese proverb "Ishibashi wo tataite wataru"
It reads "beating the stone bridge spans."
The meaning of this proverb is the solid stone, make sure to cross safely from further beating. Even that very cautious.
Similar meanings:
You can never be too cautious.
Good watch prevents misfortune.

A gorgeous gate in Kamigamo shrine

Kamigamo shrine has beautiful colors both white and red.
Both Shimogamo shrine and Kamigamo shrine are alike, but they are not located next each other.
These shinto shrines separate approximately 2 km (1.24 miles)distance.

339 Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto
Admission fee is free.

Location  ★★★★☆
Price     ★★★★★
Scenery   ★★★★☆
Total     ★★★★☆

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Kamigamo shrine

Kamigamo shrine has a gigantic torii.
Torii means a gateway at the entrance to a Shinto shrine.
The pathway from the first torii to the central shrine buildings is allowing visitors time to calm and compose their minds and hearts for worship.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Kyoyochi Pond

Kyoyochi Pond is especially beautiful during the fall season.
The pond was made in the late twelfth century.
Until recent years many mandarin ducks were to be seen on the pond.
Hence the Ryoanji temple was generally known as Oshidoridera, which means the temple of mandarin ducks!!

A wash basin of stone

This wash-basin of stone for the tea room represents four Chinese characters.
The meaning of these four Chinese character is "I learn only to be contended."
He who learns only tobe contended is spiritually rich, while the one who does not learn to be contended is spiritually poor even if he is materially wealthy.

The Rock Garden

Does it look great?
I like the Rock Garden.
The Rock Garden is simple, and it represents Zen.
By the way, Zen means a Japanese form of Buddism.
Even though this remarkable garden measures only twenty-five meters (27.34 yard), there are fifteen rocks in this garden.
White sand and fifteen rocks were laid out at the end of the 15th century!!

The information board

Ryoanji temple is the one of World Cultual Heritage!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Kuri, main building of the temple

You can enter inside of the temple, and then you are able to see both the Rock Garden and a unique wash-basin of stone "Tsukubai"
I spent time to watch the Rock Garden, ant it was so cool!!
Ryoanji temple is open between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Ryoanji temple is open between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. (from Dec to Feb)
Entrance fee is 500 yen

Location  ★★★★☆
Price     ★★★★☆
Scenery   ★★★★★
Total     ★★★★☆

The way to the main Ryoanji temple

After passing the entrance of Ryoanji temple, you can see a beautiful piece of scenary.
Working around in the garden of Ryoanji temple is fun!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ryoanji temple

Ryoanji temple is the best temple to visit during autumn.
Visitors are able to enten inside of this temple, and they can see the beautiful rock garden.
Both yellow and red leaves are beautiful.
I recommend to visit Ryoanji temple!!
13 Ryoanji Goryonoshita-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto
City bus 50 line or 55 line
Bus stop at Ritsumeikan University

Explanation for Shimogamo shrine

This is the information of Shimogamo shrine.
Shimogamo shrine is the one of World Cultural Heritage!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

A red bridge contrast with yellow leaves

This red bridge is good looking because of contrast with yellow leaves.
Unfortunately, people cannot get across the bridge.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A beautiful bridge with a torii

This torii is much smaller than the previous torii.
I think this torii is cute.
Can you see a red bridge the back of this torii.
I want to walk on the bridge, but unfortunately I cannot do that.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A magnificent gate

Guess what? This is a magnificent gate for Shimogamo shrine. Shimogamo shrine is unified color of red and white, so this shrine looks really beautiful!!
You should take a picture before the gate.

A stone monument

This stone monument is curved, and it is simply saying "World Cultural Heritage"

Shimogamo shrine

Torii means a gateway at the entrance to a Shinto shrine.
I was very excited to enter into Shimogamo shrine.
By the way, the torii is big, many people want to take picture before this torii!!

Location  ★★★★☆
Price     ★★★★★
Scenery   ★★★★☆
Total     ★★★★☆

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunset Part 2

Another sunset picture!!

Sunset Part 1

I like to take sunset pictures.
That's why I took this picture.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The river arranged in elegant taste

You can see many people walking by Kamogawa river!!
Especially, Many people want to see colored leaves in here.
Walking will be good exercise with beautiful scenery.


Kamogawa river

I recommend to walk by the Kamogawa river.
I feel this river is different from other rivers in Japan because Kamogawa river has its own atmosphere and history in Kyoto.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

A gate of Kinkakuji

This is the entrance of Kinkakuji.
I saw the crowd before the entrance.
Many people including me want to see trees aflame with red and yellow leaves.
They were so beautiful!!


A gigantic bell

You can ring at this gigantic bell.
I think it is a great opportunity to touch Japanese culture!!
It costs 200 yen though.


Infomation about Kinkakuji

Does this board have better explantion about the temple?
Yeah. I think so.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009


This peace of paper writting on Chainese characters is the ticket of Kinkakuji. It looks like a talisman. Fortunately, you can get it as a souvenir, if you pay 400 yen for admission fee. You may enter between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. The closest bus station is Kinkakuji michi, which means the way of Kinkakuji. (Kyoto bus #205) I recommend to visit Kinkakuji if you are planning to go to Kyoto!!
Zip code 603-8361
Kyoto-shi Kita-ku Kinkakuji-cho 1


The pound of Kinkakuji

Actually, the pound of kinkakuji is awesome because the pound is reflected Kinkakuji itself. Moreover, I found some Koi (Japanese carp) in this pound. If you are intereted, please find some Koi. Kinkakuji is properly called Rokuonji temple. In the 1220's it was the confortable villa of Kintsune Saionji.

Kinkakuji temple is one of the World Cultural Heritage Sites


Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion)

Kinkakuji is one of my favorite temple in Kyoto because this temple is pretty and gorgeous. I wish I could live in this building. Literally, this building both second and third floors are coverd with gold leaf on Japanese lacquer. That's why Kinkakuji is so shiny.


Location  ★★★★★
Price     ★★★★☆
Scenery   ★★★★★
Total     ★★★★★